HomeCropCombating The Rose Midge: An Integrated Pest Management Guide 

Combating The Rose Midge: An Integrated Pest Management Guide 

Rose midges, also known as the rose fly, a common pest that can cause severe damage to rose plants. The rose midge can be identified by its small, yellowish larvae with a translucent body. The adult midges are tiny, with a reddish-brown body and translucent wings. The larvae feed on the buds and flowers, causing damage to the plants. The larvae then pupate and emerge as adult midges. In this article, we will explore the different methods of integrated pest management that can be used to control the population of rose midges.  

Type of Infestation

Rose midges are flower feeders and can cause damage to the buds and flowers of rose plants.  

Scientific Name: Dasineura rhodophaga 

Most Affected States Due to Rose Midge

Rose midges are found in many states across India, with the major affected states being Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.  

Symptoms of Rose Midge

  • The symptoms of rose midge infestation can be identified by the damage caused to the buds and flowers of the rose plants. 
  • The larvae feed on the flowers, causing them to wilt and turn brown, while the damaged leaves can become stunted or curled.  
  • Heavy infestation can lead to reduced bloom production. 

Rose Midge Control Measures

The following are the various cultural, physical, mechanical, biological and chemical measures that can be employed to manage rose midge infestations effectively.  

Rose Midge Cultural Measures

Cultural practices play a crucial role in reducing the risk of rose midge infestations. 

  • Remove and destroy the infected plant debris. 
  • Maintaining proper hygiene in the garden and providing adequate water and nutrients to plants help to reduce the infestation of rose midge. 

Physical Measures

Physical control can be done by gently shaking the affected parts of the plant and then removing the larvae. Physical control measures are most effective when combined with other control methods.  

Mechanical Measures

  • Row covers can be placed over the plants, preventing the adult midges from reaching the roses. 
  • Tapas Yellow Sticky Trap can be used to control adult midges in the rose field. Install 4-6 sticky traps per acre for effective management. 

Rose Midge Biological Measures

  • Encourage natural predators such as ladybugs, lacewings and parasitoid wasps to control the rose midge population. These predators feed on the midge larvae, reducing the population and preventing significant damage to the roses. 
  • Econeem Plus Azadirachtin is a neem based biopesticide which can be used to control midges on roses. The recommended dosage is 3ml per liter of water. 
  • Anshul Bio Finish is a broad spectrum biopesticide containing active ingredients derived from many plants. Use Anshul Bio Finish biopesticide at the rate of 3-5ml per liter of water at regular intervals of 10-12 days for effective control of midges. 

Rose Midge Chemical Measures

Chemical control measures include using commercial insecticides to control rose midge infestations.  

Product Name  Technical Content  Dosage 
Karate Insecticide  Lambda Cyhalothrin 5 % EC  1.5-2ml / lit of water 
Ekalux Insecticide  Quinalphos 25% EC  2ml / lit of water 
Coragen Insecticide  Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC  0.4ml / lit of water 
Marshal Insecticide  Carbosulfan 25% EC  2ml / lit of water 


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