HomeCropManagement of Mites in Cotton 

Management of Mites in Cotton 

Do you observe discoloration, stunted growth or the presence of fine webbing in your cotton fields? If so, you may be facing a mite infestation. These tiny mites in cotton can cause significant harm to cotton crops, leading to visible damage that negatively impacts plant health and reduces productivity. 

However, don’t worry! We are here to guide you on how to overcome mite infestation in your cotton field. By following the recommended approaches provided, you can effectively manage mite infestations and protect the health and productivity of your cotton field. 

Type of Infestation

Mites are a type of sap feeder, which feeds on the sap of the cotton plants. 

Scientific Names: 

  • Red Spider Mite – Tetranychus neocaledonicus 
  • Yellow Mite – Polyphagotarsonemus latus 

Most Affected States

The exact distribution of Cotton Mites is not well documented in India. However, they can be found in all cotton growing areas. 

Symptoms of Mites in Cotton

  • The first sign of damage is the bronzing of upper leaf surface near the petiole (Red Spider Mite) 
  • The presence of mites can be seen on the young leaves, especially in the top leaves and the buds. 
  • Leaves which are infested by mites become brittle and rough, also exhibit downward curling and stunted growth. (Yellow Mite) 
  • Fine webbings can also be seen on the affected leaves. 
  • The affected leaves may dry and fall off during severe infestation. 
  • In case of heavy damage, the yield and quality of cotton is highly reduced.

Mites in Cotton Control Measures

Cotton mites are a common pest of cotton crops and can cause significant damage if not managed effectively. To control these pests, an integrated approach that combines several management strategies is necessary. 

Cultural Measures

  • Remove the weeds and other debris from the cotton fields to reduce the incidence of mite infestation. 
  • Proper irrigation and fertilization can help maintain the overall health of the cotton plants and reduce their susceptibility to mite infestations. 

Mechanical Measures 

  • Collect and destroy the affected leaves and plants. 

Biological Measures

  • Encourage natural predators and parasites like ladybugs, lacewings, predatory mites and parasitic wasps to control mite populations by practicing intercropping or multiple cropping.  
  • Ecotin Insecticide is a neem based biological insecticide containing Azadirachtin, which can effectively control red spider mites in cotton. The recommended dosage is 0.4 – 0.7 ml per liter water. 
  • Control TRM Bio Pesticide is an organic blend of botanical extracts and alkaloids which has biological and toxicological properties. It is an effective product for controlling cotton red mites. The recommended dosage is 1.5-2ml per liter of water. 
  • PerfoMite is a residue free insect chitin dissolver, based on the phyto-extracts and enzymes which are useful in controlling mites’ infestation in cotton crops. It has a contact based curative action on red mites. The recommended dosage is 2 ml per liter of water. 
  • Kay Bee R Mite Bio Acaricide is a highly effective acaricide for controlling mites in wide range of crops including cotton. The recommended dosage is 1 to 2 ml per liter of water. 
  • Amruth Almite Liquid is a bio insecticide and bio miticide containing the strains of naturally occuring entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomycis fumosoroseus, which comes in contact with the cuticle of target insect pest and kills them. The recommended dosage is 2 ml per liter on water. 
  • Royal Clear Mite is a bio insecticide which contains natural plant extracts, disrupts the breathing of red spider mites and prevents them from hatching. The recommended dosage is 2 ml per liter of water. 

Chemical Measures

Chemical measures include application of commercial insecticides to control cotton mites. Insecticides that can be used to control are mentioned in the table below, 

Product Name  Technical Content  Dosage 
Oberon Insecticide     Spiromesifen 22.9% SC    0.3 ml /lit water  
Neon Insecticide  Fenpyroximate 5%EC  1-1.5 ml/lit of water 
Abacin Insecticide   Abamectin 1.9% EC   0.7 ml /lit water  
Maiden Insecticide   Hexythiazox 5.45% EC   1 ml /lit water  
Intrepid insecticide   Chlorfenapyr 10% SC   2 ml/lit water  
Danitol Insecticide   Fenpropathrin 10% EC   1.5 ml/lit water  
Keefun Insecticide  Tolfenpyrad 15% EC  2 ml/lit of water 
MIT Plus Insecticide   Ethion 40%+ Cypermethrin 5% EC   2.5 ml/lit water 


To learn about other types of pests in cotton, click here to read our article on the Management of Insect Pests in Cotton.

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