HomeCropThe Rosette: Strategies For Controlling Rose Rosette Disease 

The Rosette: Strategies For Controlling Rose Rosette Disease 

Rose rosette is a viral disease that affects roses caused by the Rose rosette virus (RRV). The disease can cause stunted growth, reduced flower production, and ultimately lead to death of the rose plant. It can also reduce the quality of the flowers, making them unmarketable. The ideal conditions for the development of Rose rosette disease are warm and moist weather. The disease can also develop under moderate temperatures and high humidity. The disease can spread easily from infected plants to healthy ones through wind, rain and the movement of infected plant material.  

Type of Infestation

  • Rose rosette virus is primarily spread by the eriophyid mite (Aceria anthocoptes), which is an obligate parasite of the plant. The mite feeds on the rose plant and transmits the virus from one plant to another.  
  • The virus can also be spread through infected plant material, such as cuttings or infected rose canes.  

Scientific Name: Rose rosette virus (RRV) 

Most Affected States Due to Rose Rosette

Rose rosette disease is present in several states in India, including Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Maharashtra.  

Symptoms of Rose Rosette

The symptoms of Rose rosette disease can vary depending on the severity of the infection.  

  • Initial symptoms include abnormal growth and twisting of new shoots, excessive thorn production and yellowing of leaves.  
  • As the disease progresses, the shoots become elongated and brittle and the plant may become stunted. The flowers may become distorted and the color may fade.  

Rose Rosette Control Measures

Rose Rosette Disease is a highly destructive and contagious disease that can significantly reduce the health and productivity of rose plants. Effective management of this disease is crucial for the survival and sustainability of rose production. The following management practices can be adopted to control the spread and severity of Rose Rosette Disease: 

Rose Rosette Cultural Measures

Cultural management of Rose rosette disease involves a variety of practices aimed at reducing the incidence and severity of the disease. These practices include:  

  • Planting healthy and disease-free plants: Choose plants that are free of any visible signs of disease and plant them in well-draining soil.  
  • Proper spacing: Plant roses at least 4 feet apart to reduce the spread of the disease from one plant to another.  
  • Proper irrigation: Avoid overhead irrigation, which can spread the virus from one plant to another. Instead, water roses at the base of the plant.  
  • Proper nutrition: Maintaining proper soil fertility and plant nutrition is important for the overall health of the plant and can help to reduce the severity of the disease.  

Mechanical Measures

  • Removing and destroying the infected plant parts is the most effective way to control the spread of Rose Rosette Disease. 
  • Regularly prune infected parts of the plant and destroy them. 

Biological Measures

  • Certain natural enemies such as ladybugs and predatory mites can feed on the mites that are vectors of Rose Rosette Disease. 
  • Ecotin Insecticide is a neem based biological insecticide containing Azadirachtin, which can be used effectively to control eriophyid mite. The recommended dosage is 0.4 – 0.7ml per liter of water. 

Rose Rosette Chemical Measures

Following chemicals can be used to control the vector of rose rosette disease i.e Eriophyid mites 

Product Name  Technical Content  Dosage 
Abacin Insecticide  Abamectin 1.9% EC  0.7 ml/lit of water 
Omite Insecticide  Propargite 57% EC  2 ml /lit of water 
Oberon Insecticide  Spiromesifen 22.9% SC  0.3 ml /lit of water 
Maiden Insecticide  Hexythiazox 5.45% EC  1 ml/lit of water 


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