HomeNewsNational Agri NewsLiquid Revolution: How IFFCO Nano DAP (Liquid) is Reshaping Indian Agriculture

Liquid Revolution: How IFFCO Nano DAP (Liquid) is Reshaping Indian Agriculture

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the launch of the IFFCO Nano DAP (liquid) product brings a significant change to the agricultural sector of India. This innovative product aims to make farmers prosperous and achieve self-reliance in agriculture and fertilizer production. The introduction of liquid Nano DAP and Nano urea offers a more effective alternative to granulated urea and DAP, with multiple benefits for farmers and the environment. 


The approval for Nano urea was given by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in February 2021, and the infrastructure to produce 17 crore Nano urea bottles has been established in India by 2023. Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah encourages farmers to adopt liquid Nano urea and DAP for enhanced results compared to granular fertilizers. IFFCO has played a crucial role in bridging the gap between scientific research and practical implementation through its ‘lab to land’ approach, bringing advanced agriculture practices to the fields. The import of Urea has been reduced by 7 lakh metric tonnes in 2021 -22, thanks to the efforts of IFFCO, inspiring other cooperatives to explore new areas and contribute to self-reliance. The cooperative spirit of “mass production by masses” has been upheld by IFFCO, ensuring that the benefits of agricultural advancements reached the masses. 

Key Points

  1. Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah launches IFFCO Nano DAP(liquid) to promote self-reliance on fertilizer production and enhance farmers’ prosperity. 
  2. The use of liquid dap improves both the quality and quantity of crop production while conserving the land and reducing health risks associated with chemical fertilizers. 
  3. Liquid fertilizers minimize land contamination and promote the growth of earthworms, contributing to natural farming practices and soil conservation. 
  4. This Revolutionary step in agriculture will lead India towards self-sufficiency in food production and fertilizers, benefiting the majority of the population engaged in agriculture-related activities. 
  5. Cooperative societies like IFFCO and KRIBHCO have played a significant role in India’s self-reliance on fertilizer element production, following the mantra “mass production by masses”. 
  6. IFFCO’s commissioning of 3 urea plants in a single year demonstrates they are committed to scientific research and practical application in agriculture. 
  7. The introduction of liquid Nano DAP and Nano urea has reduced consumption and import by 6.3 crore urea bags, resulting and significant savings for the country. 
  8. The goal is to reduce granular DAP usage by 90 lakh metric tons through liquid DAP benefiting both the economy and the environment. 
  9. Strengthening primary agriculture credit societies(PACS) is a priority for the Ministry of Corporation, with plans to create new multi-dimensional PACS in 2 lakh panchayats over the next 5 years. 
  10. IFFCO’s extensive experience and dedication to cooperative principles have made them a driving force in the Cooperative environment, contributing to the sector’s growth and income improvement.


The launch of the IFFCO Nano DAP (liquid) marks a significant milestone in India’s agriculture sector. By promoting the use of liquid fertilizers, farmers can achieve better heels, conserve land, and reduce health risks. IFFCO’s commitment to scientific research, cooperation, and self-reliance set an example for other cooperatives to explore new areas. With continued advancements and support from the government, India’s agriculture sector is poised for future growth, benefiting farmers and ensuring food security for the nation.


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