HomeCropDefeating Cotton Thrips: A Guide For Successful Management  

Defeating Cotton Thrips: A Guide For Successful Management  

If you’re facing concerns about cotton thrips affecting your crop, worry no more. We are here to provide you with valuable information and guidance on how to effectively deal with these pesky insects. You can identify them by their narrow, elongated body and fringed wings. Hot and dry conditions favor the growth and development of thrips. Equip yourself with knowledge by diving into this informative resource and tackle the challenges posed by cotton thrips. 

Type of Infestation

Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from leaves and cause damage to cotton plants. 

Scientific Name: Thrips tabaci  

Most Affected States Due to Cotton Thrips

We can see cotton thrips in all cotton growing areas, but some of the most affected states include Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Madhya Pradesh. 

Symptoms of Cotton Thrips

  • Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the lower and upper surface of the cotton leaves. 
  • In case of severe infestation, the affected leaves may curl up and crumble. 
  • During the early stages of an attack, a silvery sheen can be observed on the lower surface of the leaves. 
  • They also transmit tobacco leaf streak virus in cotton.

Cotton Thrips Control Measures

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods offer a comprehensive approach to effectively manage and control cotton thrips. This multifaceted strategy encompasses a range of techniques, including cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical measures, providing a holistic solution for thrips control in cotton cultivation. 

Cotton Thrips Cultural Measures

  • Remove weeds and other debris in and around cotton fields regularly to reduce their population. 
  • Avoid using excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers, as this can lead to succulent growth which encourages thrips population. 
  • Maintain healthy plant growth by providing proper irrigation and adequate nutrients, which helps to reduce the impact of thrips on cotton crops. 

Mechanical Measures

  • Remove and destroy the infested plant parts. 
  • Tapas Yellow Sticky Trap can be used to control thrips in cotton field. Install 6-8 traps per acre for effective management. 

Cotton Thrips Biological Measures

  • Kaybee Pesto Raze Insecticide is a bio pesticide containing botanical extracts, which has contact, partially systemic and fumigant actions on vast class of soft bodied insects including cotton thrips. To effectively control cotton thrips, spray Pesto raze insecticide at the rate of 2 ml per liter of water during early morning or late evening hours.  
  • Control TRM Bio Pesticide is an organic blend of botanical extracts and alkaloids which has biological and toxicological properties. It is an effective product for controlling cotton thrips. The recommended dosage is 1.5-2 ml per liter of water. 
  • Greenpeace Neemol Bio Neem Oil Insecticide contains neem-based products azadirachtin which when used at the rate of 1-2 ml per liter of water with 15 days interval between each spray can effectively control thrips in cotton fields. 
  • Amruth Alestra Liquid and Amruth Almax Liquid are biological insecticides containing the strains of naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungi Verticillium lecanii and Beauveria bassiana respectively, which comes in contact with the cuticle of the cotton thrips and colonizes them. The recommended dosage is 2 ml per liter of water. 

Cotton Thrips Chemical Measures

If the cotton thrips infestation becomes severe, it is necessary to take action to control their population. One effective approach is the utilization of commercial chemical insecticides. Below are some examples of insecticides commonly employed for controlling cotton thrips: 

Product Name   Technical Content  Dosage 
Delegate Insecticide   Spinetoram 11.7 % SC   0.9 ml/lit water  
Admire Insecticide   Imidacloprid 70% WG   0.3 gm/lit water  
Karate Insecticide   Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC   1.5 ml/lit water  
Nurelle D Insecticide   Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC   2 ml/lit water  
Katyayani Thioxam   Thiamethoxam 25% WG   0.4 gm/lit water   
Shinzen Plus Insecticide   Fipronil 5 % SC   3 ml/lit water  
Benevia Insecticide   Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD   1 ml/lit water 
Osheen Insecticide   Dinotefuran 20 % SG   0.5 gm/lit water  
Keefun Insecticide  Tolfenpyrad 15% EC  1.5-2 ml/lit of water 
Anshul Ikon Insecticide  Acetamiprid 20% S.P  0.5 gm/lit of water 
Tracer Insecticide  Spinosad 44.03% SC  0.3 ml/lit of water 
Tafgor Insecticide  Dimethoate 30% EC  2 ml/lit of water 
Marshal Insecticide   Carbosulfan 25% EC   2.5 ml/lit water 


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